We are conducting a short survey about this tool. Please tell us your thoughts to make it better.
We are conducting a short survey about this tool. Please tell us your thoughts to make it better.


The Metropolitan Chicago Accessibility Explorer is a product of the Travel Behavior & Urban Systems Research Group at the Department of Urban Planning and Policy at UIC.

The goal of the Explorer is to measure and display accessibility to a variety of activities in the Chicago Metropolitan area in a relatively simple, user friendly, online platform. We want it to be a resource that planners and policy makers can readily use to evaluate how well the transportation system is connecting people to activity locations.

The Accessibility Explorer answers questions about how many jobs, schools, parks, groceries, and other urban amenities can be reached by residents of specific neighborhoods within different time thresholds. One can evaluate the changes to accessibility over the course of a day as transit systems adjust their schedules. It allows you to visualize the spatial distribution of access that the transportation-land use nexus currently provides, which areas it benefits the most, and which can use improvements.

Using the Travel Time tab, users can also see how far they can travel within pre-defined travel time thresholds for any given location. Together with the accessibility explorer, this capability allows the user to see where changes in land use can be made to alter accessibility to jobs or other opportunities.

More detail on the Accessibility Explorer can be found in our report here: Final Report.


The Metropolitan Chicago Accessibility Explorer was funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Support Initiative (METSI) and the National Center for Transit Research (NCTR-USF) through UIC's Urban Transportation Center.


Please contact Dr. Nebiyou Tilahun at ntilahun at uic dot edu.

Server and website are maintained by Shi Yin.